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USA Presidential Debate: Statements on Babies & Abortion

Biden: "I'm going to restore Roe v. Wade." Trump: "I believe in exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. The Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill. And I agree."

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Nehemiah’s Prayer & The Amazing Results

The king granted his request, plus letters for the governors, a military escort, and all the timber he needed to rebuild – all “because the good hand of my God was on me.”

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Thanksgiving & Remembering: Divine Commands and the Story of a Noble Beginning

“Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving . . . He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; and to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God” (Psalm 50:14, 23).

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Male & Female as Created by GOD

The only One who defines with absolute truth who we are is GOD our Creator. We discover our true identity in the first Hebrew words used for Man, male and female.

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Covid Began on 50th Anniversary of Abortion on Demand in USA

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn was interviewed and said that Covid entered the United States on the 50th anniversary of abortion on demand.

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Foundations for Life #4: Biblical Manhood & Womanhood

When men and women rise up in their true identity and unity in Christ, the kingdom of God and His righteousness are advanced in every area of their influence.

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Foundations for Life #9: Human Rights & the Right to Life

It is time to recover again the self-evident and universal truths about human rights and the right to life.  Here are Seven Universal Principles for Discerning and Protecting Inherent Human Rights.  

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France First Nation in World to Guarantee Abortion in its Constitution

To protect a woman’s “right” to abortion, France became the first nation to create a constitutional "guarantee" for women to intentionally take the lives of their own babies.

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