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What USA Election Results Reveal About Views on Human Life and Abortion

Nationwide, between 1 of every 2, and 3 of every 4, American voters support slaughtering preborn babies in the womb with no restrictions, even up to birth.

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The 1916 Project Film Reveals Roots of Sexual Revolution, Abortion & Transgender Crises

The influence of a few leaders led to eugenics, “The Negro Project,” Hitler’s extermination of Jews, sexual revolution, abortion, efforts to destroy marriage and family, LGBT, and transgender crises.

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Democratic Party Platform: Strong Support for Abortion

With a Democratic Congress, we will pass national legislation to make Roe the law of the land again. We will repeal the Hyde Amendment.

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Donald Trump Tells Story of Attempted Assassination

“I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I felt that. . . . I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty God.”

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Call to Restore the Foundational Principles of the Republican Party

To be consistent, the Republican Party today should strongly stand for the same 3 foundational principles, applying them to the grave issue of abortion instead of slavery.

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Republican National Platforms: Troubling Changes from 2016 to 2024

There are substantial troubling changes in the national Republican Platform 2024, much shorter than 2016, speaks little on life and family issues, and opposes only Later Term Abortion.

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