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South America Changes, Historic Pro-Life/Family Events in Guatemala

President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, will host an event at the National Government Palace honoring Guatemala as the Pro-Life Capital of Ibero-America. 

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Ecuador & Colombia Abortion Policy Crises Reveal Betrayal

Both the Ecuador and Colombia Constitutions guarantee protection of human life from its beginning. . . . The courts violated their oaths of office and the authority of the legislatures.

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Ecuador’s Roe v. Wade Moment: Will the National Assembly Uphold the Constitution or Bow to the Court?

This is Ecuador’s Roe v. Wade moment in its history. Ecuador should learn from and not make the same mistakes as the United States.

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GLC Team Teach in Guayaquil, Ecuador Churches: Life, Abortion Worldwide, Current Bill

We spoke in Guayaquil at a pro-life conference, in 2 other churches, and to leading pastors on Biblical foundations, abortion history, and the Ecuador abortion bill.

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Why Ecuador? God’s Heart for the Nations

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12). Leaders of Ecuador decided to dedicate the nation to the sacred heart of Jesus.

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Remembering the First Thanksgiving

In 1620, the Pilgrims sacrificed greatly for the hope of creating a new civilization where they could worship God freely...

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