What took place in Kansas this week reveals dramatic changes in the beliefs of most citizens ... that nearly 2 out 3 chose to approve murdering unborn children is stunning!
It would be entirely out of His character, and inconsistent with the LORD's rulership over nations and the history of nations, for Him to not hold us accountable for all the aborted babies.
If we do these things with God’s help, grace and empowerment, then we can have confidence that He will help us stop lawlessness, end abortion, and restore peace in our land.
Liberty is the responsible use of freedom. Abusing freedom is licentiousness and destroys true liberty. True liberty and lawlessness are incompatible. If lawlessness reigns, tyranny always comes.
I believe God Almighty is calling us to truly humble ourselves before Him and return to Him with all our hearts and souls. He is calling us and the entire world to account for abortion.
“‘Surely, as a woman treacherously departs from her lover, so you have dealt treacherously with Me, O house of [the United States],’ declares the LORD."