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Blessings or Curses & Forever Promised Land - Reasons to Support Israel, Part 3

GOD chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants to be His own people forever, and He promised to bless “all the families of the earth” through them, which He did through Jesus.

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Reasons to Support Israel, Part 2

Paul tells the Gentile church in Rome to ‘remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you’ (Romans 11:18).

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Reasons to Support Israel, Part 1

Most church denominations believe in “replacement theology,” that the Church has replaced Israel. Scripture and history reveal this is not true!

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Holy Sexuality Conference

Dr. Yuan is a true Biblical scholar and theologian, and went deep into words, history and context in the Bible, showing a consistent view of humanity, identity, sexuality and purity.

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Greatest Current Global Shift on Abortion is to Abortifacient Pills

The greatest current global shift on abortion is to authorize abortifacient pills, in effect making abortion on demand their policy, at least early in pregnancy.

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Covid Began on 50th Anniversary of Abortion on Demand in USA

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn was interviewed and said that Covid entered the United States on the 50th anniversary of abortion on demand.

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True Manhood: 12 Aspects from Genesis 1-5

Manhood is under unprecedented assault causing self-destruction of families and society. Here are 12 aspects of noble manhood given in Genesis 1-5.

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Male & Female as Created by GOD

The only One who defines with absolute truth who we are is GOD our Creator. We discover our true identity in the first Hebrew words used for Man, male and female.

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