Abortion is child sacrifice! President Joe Biden unashamedly promoted abortion as a top priority early in his annual State of the Union address on 8 March 2024.
Here are 8 Universal Truths about the Sanctity of Human Life, including that GOD knows each person before conception and forms each baby in his mother's womb.
These characteristics of righteousness and justice in Scripture are intertwined and inseparable, providing fixed standards by which we can live in right relationship to GOD and one another.
There are 5 God-given spheres of authority and responsibility. When these are honored and respected, there is freedom, peace, good order, and things go well. Wherever violated, problems occur.
When men and women rise up in their true identity and unity in Christ, the kingdom of God and His righteousness are advanced in every area of their influence.
Jesus said "salvation is from the Jews” for anyone in the world – Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Africans, Asians, Americans, Europeans, islanders. That's what we celebrate at Christmas.