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President Biden’s Unashamed Deceptive Advocacy for Child Sacrifice

Abortion is child sacrifice! President Joe Biden unashamedly promoted abortion as a top priority early in his annual State of the Union address on 8 March 2024.

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Foundations for Life #7: 8 Universal Truths about The Sanctity of Human Life

Here are 8 Universal Truths about the Sanctity of Human Life, including that GOD knows each person before conception and forms each baby in his mother's womb.

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Foundations for Life #6: Righteousness & Justice

These characteristics of righteousness and justice in Scripture are intertwined and inseparable, providing fixed standards by which we can live in right relationship to GOD and one another.

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Foundations for Life #5: 5 Spheres of Authority & Responsibility

There are 5 God-given spheres of authority and responsibility.  When these are honored and respected, there is freedom, peace, good order, and things go well.  Wherever violated, problems occur.  

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Foundations for Life #4: Biblical Manhood & Womanhood

When men and women rise up in their true identity and unity in Christ, the kingdom of God and His righteousness are advanced in every area of their influence.

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Salvation for All People is From the Jews

Jesus said "salvation is from the Jews” for anyone in the world – Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Africans, Asians, Americans, Europeans, islanders. That's what we celebrate at Christmas.

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